June 23, 2008

Just another day

If I pepper the 'update' posts with pictures, will they be more easily digested? Today I took Salomae, Ella, and Josiah to see the pediatric hematologist. The IDS (see post from a few days ago for that acronym) discovered that Salomae is anemic. Compared to major medical issues at the forefront, anemia isn't a main concern right now. Neither is the hernia that the surgeon discovered a few weeks ago. Did I forget to mention those little 'issues'? Whoops. Insert photo montage of children now.

Dear children took out their aggressions today with fun noodles. Much better results than earlier usage of light sabers. Yes, that would be two older brothers beating the little-sister-who-wears-a-back-brace-to-keep-from-being-paralyzed. And I'm taking pictures. Fun noodle beating is likened to tapping a friend with a feather. Not that I've ever actually been hit by a fun noodle. Perhaps tomorrow...
It looks like they are having a wonderful time together. Real good quality time, taking out aggressions in a healthy way. I'm such a good mom. It's bound to happen though. The big brother gets cocky with his noodley skills. He looses control of his body and lands on the smaller brother. He's got moves and I've got great shutter speed on my new camera.
The after effects of the genius lunge-swing-fly noodle move. "I think my arm muscle got broke."
Once the drama dies down, I notice that the sweet silent baby is quiet because 1-he's mesmerized by the action and 2-he's snacking on clover. This is his, "Don't think about telling ME not to eat grass" look. He's 75 stuck in an 8 month old body. The sheer torture.

We started off the morning by racing around to be timely to our 9 am appointment with the blood specialist (aka pediatric hematologist). I followed the directions to perfection but somehow we end up in the pediatric oncology wing. Assuming that I'm mistaken I asked the receptionist where I should be. Oddly enough, we were at the right place. Because, I guess, when your blood tests come back like Salomae's did a few weeks ago...the doctors think you might have leukemia. If that doesn't beat all the rest of the happenings. Nice of them to let me hear that from the specialist while sitting there with the children. I'll insert another picture now.
Thankfully, the hematologist had mercy on me and only let a few hours pass before she called with the results from today. Salomae's blood work was normal. Still waiting on the anemia thing to be cleared up. Probably still having bone marrow drawn on Thursday, just because. After talking to the Health Department, two doctors, and two pharmacies; I think we are set for getting Salomae's medications started on Friday. Nice that the Health department sends a dear soul over to the house to help me dose my child. I may be incapable of making her drink the four liquids that are required. Daily. I'm wondering if they think we will have to hold her down. Maybe she can help with some housework after we do the medicine. Or maybe she can do the medicine while I get a load of laundry going.
By mid-afternoon things were not looking good at our house. We were trying to ride bikes to the library, but Josiah kept puking on me. I changed him, then me. Then him, then me. Then wondered if we would really smell all that bad if we just kept the pukey clothes on. Then changed him and me. We made it out and back alive. Then Salomae locked herself in the bathroom. It had to be the kid who doesn't speak English. While I was cooking dinner and talking to the husband who is enjoying calmness in a hotel room. Did I mention that? He's out of town. Fish sticks all around, followed by popsicles outside. Here's one sane second of the day. No one flipped off of the hammock or threw another child off in the taking of this photo.
It's a perfect end to a very. Long. Day.


jill coen said...

YOu crack me up! I have found, through extensive research, that posts with pictures do keep their attention longer. :)

I love the updates...keep em coming.

Karen said...

Apryl - I absolutely LOVE your humor. And love all the pictures too. Karen Wistrom

Farmboy and Buttercup said...


God is giving you a gift of a sense of humor during all this.

Take care!

Amber said...

Glad to hear your humor throughout all of the craziness! I always tell my husband, "If I don't laugh, I'll cry!"


Carpenters said...

I love Josiah's face. Apryl, you crack me up. The pictures of the kids together were great. They are so precious.

With Love,

Team Dragovich said...

So, I just spent the last half hour catching up with your precious family. Sounds like life is normally crazy-- like my life! That is why I can relate so well :) I have been praying for Salomae. And, I agree with Jill about the pics... I find that people read posts with pictures in them. I'm glad you are enjoying your new camera!! Happy Anniversary late-- our anniversary was June 21st. Sounds like we have very similar stories-- pregnant at one year, more after that. You got to adoption quicker than us :D Now, 11 years later, and I never could have imagined where we are now :D!!!

Take care, Hugs,