May 31, 2007

"The Wait" has begun

I should warn any of you waiting for adoption news that you may just want to tuck this blog address away for about 6 months then come back and check on us. As expected, I'm going a little stir crazy. My mother has passed along a genetic anomaly that requires the carrier to be active at all times. She plan activites during activities. This is an outrageous benefit for those times are paperchasing for an adoption, homeschooling, and living life in general. Right now I feel like I can't sit still, due to the racing around I've done for the past few months. I'm whizzing through school with my kids--homeschool on uppers. We are covering centuries of history in a matter of minutes. Then we get to our stopping point for the day. I pace around the backyard watching my kids and feeling frustrated for my two kids half a world away. Right now I'm inept. I can't actively pursue them and it's making me crazy.

I know--I was ecstatic to be done with paperwork and be able to relax, but a few weeks has been enough to recover. My obsession with multi-tasking has pushed me into fundraising mode. Though I hate to call it that, I don't plan on doing any "fundraising" this go around. I'm researching adoption grants, planning a garage sale, and trying to spend less. That should keep my idle fingers busy for a little while.

I'm also living vicariously through the families who are ahead of us right now. This family is in Ethiopia right now. And our friends just had court yesterday (Congratulations guys!) go and check out their gorgeous little girls.

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