That said, your braiding time may be significantly less. This hairdo rates high with me for several reasons. First and foremost, it lasts. I'm not talking about a few days. It lasts for weeks and weeks. It's brilliant. I can't believe I ever spent so much time on Sally's hair before this! Secondly, it requires very little skill. I usually try things that don't suit Sal's thick locks. This has worked out great. Third, (and most important to our little diva) she looks great.
The simple directions? Part clean, conditioned hair into one inch squares. Rubber band them and braid your heart out. I bought cute clips here for the ends. You could just twist the ends and leave them naked. Or you could put bands there too. Whatever you and your kiddo want. We've done it both ways and clips are my favorite. Tidy, yet cute.
Daily, I moisturize Sally's hair. That's it. I mean, the hours of braiding pay off when I can squirt, squirt, squirt and be done for the day.
The big pain? Taking the little braids OUT. Dear me, I didn't know what we were in for. However long it takes to braid, double it for removal. A very important sidenote here: you will NOT be able to leave the house once you start the Removal Process. It goes from bad to worse. I've put a snow hat on Sally for those times we *have* to leave the house (aka doctor's appointment that I forgot about).
Eli watched me for a while one afternoon and finally admitted that he was willing to help. I don't know whether he loves me, loves his sister or loves the idea of pulling her hair with permission.
hi niecy Apryl, we have had lots of snow days here ... probably will go to school till July. Just to tell you that I always enjoy your blog.
You have beautiful kids with lovely hearts......Aunt Teresa
Hey, this really worked...... can't wait to see you this summer. love you all bunches
Would love to see an "after" picture with her hair all done!
(I know, I know...someone else wanting you do something).:)
Ironically, a friend of mine also named April who has five kids recently made it known what she wants as her epitaph:
"There is only one of me." Thought you could relate! :)
You can also do that hairstyle with twists. They stay, too, and are easier to take out.
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