August 8, 2008

Traveling Families

Three families from America World are leaving to pick up their children today. These are babies that we photographed and videoed while in Ethiopia. I can't believe how much they have changed and I'm so excited to see them coming home. Here are the blogs of their families: Wesley's family , Levi's family, and Zamara's family. If you go back a few posts you can see pictures of their cuties from court day. I made Zamara cry and then videoed it, you can watch my wretched hand reach out and she starts bawling. A sure high point in my life as videographer for waiting families. Ugh.


jill coen said...

Can you believe that was us all those months ago?! Miss you!!

Team Dragovich said...

Hi, I'm checking in to say... HI!! How is it going? I had to read up from the last month. Happy late b-day. I have 2 1/2 years on ya-- feel young :)!
The kids look great! Your confessions are funny-- but not nearly crazy enough to not make you "super mom" ;D
We started school this week. I'm making notes for you-- ha! How are you feeling? We're sort of working things in slowly but surely-- adjusting as we go. I'm sort of liking it and I definitely like our new morning routine!

Take care and call anytime :D!!!