November 2, 2010

A Dream Realized

Elijah became obsessed with horses while Seth and I were in Ukraine getting Ella. He was 18 months old. He couldn't even say 'horse'. He made this windy, sloppy horse sound. We guessed that he was emotionally a mess because his parents disappeared for a few weeks. He got a plastic horse shortly after our departure and carried that Clydesdale around with him for the next three weeks. For years all he wanted for birthdays and Christmas were horses. Stuffed or plastic, brown, black, white...all were greeted with jubilation. His obsession has cooled, but his one 'sport' request last year was for riding lessons.

Last month his dream became a reality when we found a perfect (low cost) program. He gets to spend two hours a week at the stables and ends each lesson with an hour ride on 'Smokey,' his pony of choice. I know a cowboy doesn't want his Momma calling him (or his steed) cute, but...shucks those two are real cuties!


E said...

Indeed, they are cuties! Did you guys read Smoky the Cowhorse. I hated the dumb cowboy accent, but I teared up at a couple of parts and E loved that book! Horse was one of E's first words. My mom lives on a ranch and he's always had this deep love for animals. So fun seeing your lil' cowboy! Thanks for sharing the pics!

P.S. Aren't you about to leave for Ethiopia? Have a blessed trip! I'm sure the hardest part will be leaving the kids! Hugs!

teresa said...

Look at you Eli, I bet you are having a great time riding.
Love , Aunt Teresa