May 20, 2007

Passing the time

Most of you probably remember the ads during the 80s of the egg being fried in a pan warning that "This is your brain on drugs." Several times I've done something and thought, "This is my family on an adoption budget." Last week my kids and I took part in several silly activities. As I took a picture of one such event these words went through my mind. What would incite such a thing? An afternoon free, a hole in the pool, and three very hot kids.

So.... Here are my children (with my mom last year).

And here are my children on a budget.

The story behind these photos goes like this...

It was Ella's last day of school and it was HOT. Hot is highly unusual here lately and I'm saddened by this, nonetheless, this was a day of joyful high temps. On the way home from picking Ella up, Everett mentioned playing in our pool. I warned him that it may not be in swimmable condition, but that I'd check into it. All the while I was hoping I could round up a sprinkler if the pool was out of commission. Upon pulling the pool out of the recesses of the shed (never a good place for anything to be), Everett and I examined it and found a few tears in the cheapo plastic sides. Sooo, I started looking for a sprinker. The shed houses animals who have wandered in to die and garden tools--I try only to reach my arm in to grab a trowel and never actually GO inside. Motherly love kicked in and I crept back into the shed to find TWO sprinklers. Neither of those would attach to the hose. Fearing defeat, I thought I'd just spray the kids with the hose. Then thought we could run out and buy a new pool or sprinklers. Saving money crept back into my mind and so did a glorious idea. Presto-our own home waterpark, at a 100% lower price. I put the hose on a slow drip, and the kids had a blast.

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