January 22, 2009

Another Addition to Our Family

Does this give our announcement away? This photo wasn't posed, she actually grabbed that book and sat down with it. Only because the other two were hogging this one...
This addition to our family will be a furry, four legged variety. Don't ask me why, because I have no logical explanation. We are crazy. If you've been here before that shouldn't be news to you.


jill coen said...

I think if the White House is getting a new dog, the Harbaugh house should too. :) Dogs are so much work, but so worth it. We ARE those crazy dog people. I've come to terms with it.

Anonymous said...

Go for it!!! I'm so glad we did. There are days I question my sanity, but the dog has nothing to do with that at all!! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Ceaser book - even upside down its good!!love k