I met a sweet group of believers last spring.
I had known about this tight knit church since last November. They sent blankets all monogrammed with the church's name and the words, "Jesus loves you." Each time I handled one of the their blankets I wondered about the people who would take so much time to stitch each blanket. I got to meet them personally one Sunday night. They had a service set aside to hear about the trip and the blankets. It always feels good to me to personally thank a group who worked for the children.
This church, off a country road at the edge of a small town, has been so touched by the plight of the children. They made blankets but wanted to do more. An unlikely group of activists, the grandmother of one of our team members decided to organize a "Songfest" to benefit Kind Hearts School. She invited local musicians for a night of worship. I found myself, again, welcomed into this small church.
Standing before the crowded pews, I shared the story of the children in Ethiopia. I poured out my heart, trying to explain that these buildings are more than just a school. The children who beg and wander the streets are numerous. They are naked, hungry, and hopeless. Halfway through the night, the church took up an offering. That little church on the dead end street at the edge of a small town gave sacrificially. They generously bought t-shirts and magazine bead jewelry. At the end of the night, over $1000 had been donated to Kind Hearts school fund. An unlikely group of people reached across the ocean to pour out Christ's love on children they have never met.